
George Wear

Vessel Name: Telstar

George Wear
Drowned at Sea; Body recovered
20 February 1983

George Wear

George Wear

George Wear Gravesite

George Wear Gravesite

George Wear Park

George Wear Park

George Wear was born in Denham on 21 February 1916. He spent the early part of his life on Dirk Hartog Island, 35 miles west of Denham, with his Mother Mary Ann and Brother. His Father was George Turner Wear, born Northumberland, England. His Father arrived in Shark Bay in 1882 and worked on several pearling boats including the Clodian and Spectator before his sudden death when George was just 7 years of age.

George Wear became a station hand in the region in the early 30’s and by 1937 was involved with the local pearling industry, following in his Father’s footsteps. In 1939 he joined the Australian Army (2/11 Australian Infantry Battalion) and saw action in New Guinea. He was discharged from military service in January 1946. After the war, he worked briefly at BHP Yampi Sound, North Kalgoorlie Mines and then the Geraldton Ice Works. He returned to Shark Bay in the early 50’s and fished briefly on the Vigilant before buying the Telstar and an oyster license. He was a popular fishing identity in the Denham area, living and working from his small boat in Shark Bay during the 1960’s to late 70s. He was highly regarded for his friendly character and was to be seen fishing the waters of Dirk Hartog Island. Wear loved the Bay and its people and was always friendly and helpful to everyone he came in contact with.

He died in tragic circumstances when he fell overboard and drowned after loading supplies on to his boat on 20 February 1983, one day short of his 67th Birthday. Wear was last seen alive aboard his boat, anchored about half a mile from Denham on the Sunday morning. His brother Thomas, also a fisherman, visited the boat on Monday morning, and feared for his brother’s safety when he found his pet dog, a long-time companion, alone. Immediately he was reported missing at 8am and a sea and foot patrol was mounted. His body was found 80 minutes later. George’s Father, George Turner Wear tragically lost his life in 1923 onboard a pearling boat, also age 66 from a sudden cerebral haemorrhage.

George Wear Park located in Knight Terrace, Denham was named in his honour and remains a gathering point for the local community.