Vessel Name: Edwina
Ellen Elderly
One-arm Dick
Body of Elderly found on Mackay Island; Unknown cause of death
August 1937

The Daily News, Thursday 4 November 1937
Ellen Elderly was an Aboriginal woman who engaged in dry shelling around Roebourne, Port Hedland and the islands off the Pilbara coast with her partner, known as One-arm Dick. They sailed the Edwina to the islands where they combed the beaches for pearl shell.
Ellen’s body was discovered lying in the sand on Mackay Island by the crew of a Japanese pearling lugger. They first noticed the wrecked boat, smashed beyond repair close to shore.The body was close by, and a set of men’s clothes was also lying on the sand. They reported their gruesome discovery to Roebourne Police on 28 October 1937, saying they thought they had found a deceased fisherman.
Constable Markey left Roebourne by launch immediately to return the body to Roebourne. When he arrived at Mackay Island he found the wreck of the Edwina, and a body in an advanced state of decomposition, which had been there for some weeks. During that time crabs and ants had caused much damage to the body. Constable Markey also found a set of men’s clothes near to where the body was lying, and searched the island for another body. There was no trace of anyone else being on the island.
Ellen’s remains were examined by Coroner Dr Potinger of Roebourne, who was surprised to learn he was examining a woman’s body. He agreed Ellen had lain undiscovered for approximately two months, and due to decomposition, he was unable to determine the cause of death. At that point, enquiries were made to the public, asking whether a “white woman” had been aboard a boat travelling up the coast.
Through the enquiries about the boat, it was discovered that the boat was the Edwina, and her occupants were Ellen and One-arm Dick. They were last seen dry-shelling at Roebourne approximately two months earlier by residents of Roebourne who were familiar with the couple and knew they were seen regularly working the coast and the nearby islands. There had been gale force easterly winds and a heavy storm throughout the Pilbara and it is possible Edwina was disabled in the storm and blown onto the island, where she foundered, stranding Ellen without food or water.
It is presumed Dick did not survive the storm, and may have been taken by a shark or drowned at sea before the Edwina foundered on Mackay Island.